For press / media enquiries please contact Geraint & Deb Jones at G Promo www.gpromopr.com/

Louder Than War (Sept 16)
..The rather fantastic “Unhappy Anywhere” is a model of good songwriting, clever but simple lyrics conveying emotions in a very direct way.
Craig Chaligne Read the whole review here http://louderthanwar.com/coal-porters-no-6-album-review/
Blabber & Smoke (Glasgow Sept 16)
Herd’s Songs are muscular and earthy. Save Me From the Storm is a clever amalgamation of sea faring folk song and spiritual call and response with the Porters’ dynamic soloing mid song quite invigorating. Unhappy Anywhere ripples along finely with a Celtic lilt and morose lyrics, Herd in a Hibernian existentialist mood. Meanwhile The Old Style Prison Break is a keen examination of cowboy movie staples delivered with a shit kicking front porch jollity.
Read whole review here
The Ileach (May 18)